Sunday, July 22, 2007

Todays news about the airlines kicking parents and child off the plane

I want you to click on this news link and tell me what your response is about it:

What is going on now about the airlines kicking parents off the plane when a kid is getting rowdy? if it ain't checking our drinks before we board the plane and checking our shampoos for radioactive unallowed liquids it is kicking screaming babies off the plane. Say What! Who do these flight attendants think they are; trying to tell us to tell our kids to shut up on the the plane not uh. I don't give a dam! you don't tell my kid to shut up that is my department the parents are supposed to discipline the child if they are getting rowdy. Now they are suggesting us parents to give medicine that makes them sleepy so other flyers can feel better with no noise. Yea, right! I flew before from Newark to Miami and them folks were not quiet on the plane and not one kid was on that plane, only businessmen and businesswomen trying to designate business issues over the phone and eachother and they were loud too. So if you can hit me back with your response I will be happy to reply. I know you are thinking like what is she talking about if you haven't heard, the news link is above so feel free to click it and check it. Say What U Want!

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